Sunday, August 19, 2007

Senator Biden's son to deploy to Iraq

While not huge news, I felt the need to post on this because Joe Biden is running to be the Democratic candidate for president and because his son's a captain in the Deleware National Guard and a JAG.

Biden's not my first (or fourth) favorite for the nomination, but that still puts him above all the potential GOP candidates. Biden has staked out a "responsible" position on ending the war.

"I don't want him going," said the elder Biden, a Democratic presidential candidate. "But I tell you what, I don't want my grandson or my granddaughters going back in 15 years, and so how we leave makes a big difference."

Since everyone knows that we on the lunatic fringe of the left don't cotton to no responsible positions on the war, he has no chance to be nominated. Still the fact that his son's serving in the military bumps his credibility way up in my book. Many in the political elite can't say the same.

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