Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Republican Budget Cutting will Hurt the Economy

There have been some recent reports (Goldman Sachs, Moody's) which says the budget cuts will hurt the economy (lesser GDP) and cost jobs. John Boehner says, "So be it." I agree with Kevin Drum:

In any case, it hardly matters. Maybe it's a million jobs, maybe it's half a million jobs. Maybe it will cost a point of GDP, maybe it will cost half a point of GDP. But considering that the economy is still sluggish and unemployment is extremely high, why are we considering budget cuts that will have any negative effect on jobs and growth? Especially cuts in the only part of the budget that isn't a long-term problem?

That's the big news from Bernanke's testimony: not that he thinks other estimates of job losses are too high, but the fact that he agrees the Republican budget plan will cost jobs and slow growth. That's coming from a Republican Fed chair! How much more evidence do we need that our current budget cutting mania is insane?

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